cat 2 Please Submit your Cat’s Information Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Cat InformationCat's NameEnvironment--IndoorOutdoorBothBreedColorAgeSex--Spayed FemaleNeutered MaleCurrent VeterinarianPersonality DescriptionMedical Issues, Prescriptions to be Administered while boarding, Special Care Instructions:FoodPLEASE BRING YOUR CAT’S FOOD FROM HOME TO KEEP HIS/HER DIET CONSISTENT.Current cat food being fedDry Food Free Choice? (Dry food always available)--YesNo, please specify amountChoice 3Amount fed in AMAmount fed in PMWet Food Free Choice? (Wet food always available)--YesNo, please specify amountAmount fed in AMAmount fed in PMVACCINE HISTORYPlease have your veterinarian email your cat’s last vaccination dates or bring your cat’s current vaccine records when the cat is boarded. These vaccines help protect your cat at home and when boarding. Listed are the required and optional vaccinations.REQUIRED while boarding FVRCP Vaccine (Upper Respiratory/Distemper) Rabies Vaccine (WA State Law Required) Flea Prevention Medication (Apply within 30 days of boarding) OPTIONAL while boarding Feline Leukemia Vaccine & Feline Aids Vaccine Is your cat current on vaccinations?--YesNoWould you like us to give your cat a complimentary nail trim during their stay?--YesNoIs your cat current on flea treatment?--YesNoWhen was the last application of flea treatment?OWNER ACKNOWLEDGMENTUse your cursor to sign your signature below.**READ AND SIGN** Owner acknowledges the risk of contracting certain feline illnesses that may be present in any boarding environment. If your cat is not currently vaccinated, due to veterinary recommendations, the owner acknowledges the increased susceptibility to feline illnesses/death. The owner will not hold The Country Inn For Cats responsible if any illness occurs. If your cat is not current on flea prevention medication, it will be applied upon arrival for an additional $20. The owner also confirms The Country Inn For Cats contract has been read and accepted in full. Print NameSignatureClear SignatureNameSubmit